客戶推薦計劃 - 推薦人獲贈一年傭工保險 (計劃編號#860)
Referral program referrer to earn 1-year free DH insurance (Promotional Code #860)
僱傭通現推出【客戶推薦計劃】, 凡僱傭通客戶推薦親友成功聘請*本地或海外工人, 推薦人便可獲贈一年免費傭工保險#。
- *「成功聘請」指受薦人在優惠期內已付中介費全數(優惠不適用於自攜工人Direct Hire 或續約 renewal)
- #指定招商永隆保險的【海外家傭綜合保險】附加【嚴重疾病住院醫療保險】一年,價值港幣$860
- 此免費保險計劃可在受薦人付全數日起計兩年內使用,逾期作廢。
- 如僱主或其傭工未能符合保險公司的申請資格,或保險公司/僱主申請不被接納,將視作放棄此贈品,本公司亦不會另作任何賠償。
- 本公司只負責協助保險申請手續,所有有關保障詳情及理賠,需與保險公司直接聯絡。
- 此計劃不能轉讓,不能兌換現金及不能同時與#2000及其他優惠一齊使用,僱傭通擁有最終決定權。
- 此計劃優惠期限由僱傭通擁有最終決定權。
Helper Direct customers *successfully refer friends and relatives to hire domestic helper to earn #one-year free DH insurance (valued at HKD860), please share now!
Terms & Conditions:
- #1-year Overseas Domestic Helper Insurance Scheme + Major Illness Medical Insurace valued at HKD860 offered by CMB Wing Lung Insurance ("Insurance")
- *successful referral means the referee (who is not existing client of Helper Direct) successfully hired a domestic helper from Helper Direct and settled full payment within promotion period (promotion not applicable to Direct Hire/Renewal cases)
- the Insurance offer will be forfeited if the insurance not effected within 2 years from the full payment date of the Referee hiring
- There will be no replacement offer or compensation if the Insurance application is rejected by CMB Wing Lung Insurance. The offer will be cancelled automatically.
- This Offer cannot be transferred/ exchanged into cash / used together with #2000 or other promotions.
- Helper Direct is not insurance license holder. For all matters related to the Insurance coverage and claims, please consult CMB Wing Lung Insurance.
- Helper Directr reserves the right of final decision on the eligibility of any customer for the Offer.